Please contact Meredith Coba with questions about how you can get involved.
Legislators regularly make important public policy decisions that affect the long term care industry at the local, state, and federal levels. These decisions can involve health care delivery, the workforce that provides these critical services, zoning and regulations for facilities, state and federal funding, and anything in between.
Lawmakers depend on OHCA to provide them with information and perspective to help them make decisions that will improve the lives of the Oregonians that OHCA members serve. We work hard to make sure that legislators have the facts so they can make informed decisions that have a positive effect on the entire long term care system.
Coalition Work
The Oregon Health Care Association works closely with a bipartisan group of advocacy organizations to advance our goal of improving quality care in Oregon. OHCA was a founding member of the Campaign for Oregon’s Seniors and People with Disabilities (COSPwD). COSPwD is a diverse coalition comprised of organizations representing business, caregivers, consumers, and concerned citizens who work together to inform policy makers’ decisions affecting long term care, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Successful Advocacy Campaigns
- #CareforOregon – In the 2015 Legislative Session, OHCA educated legislators about who exactly is caring for seniors in Oregon. We released an infographic which was displayed in legislative offices all around the State Capitol.
- Don’t Turn Your Back on Oregon Seniors – As competing interest groups mounted pressure on budget makers, OHCA released an ad campaign aimed at reminding lawmakers not to turn their back on seniors, caregivers, and families by failing to fund critical services seniors rely on.
Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS)
Click here to access session information including bills, votes, committees, and legislative history.