Event Sponsorships
OHCA offers sponsorship and exhibit and table top space opportunities at our Annual Convention, held each fall in Portland and attended by over 1,400 long term care professionals, and our Spring Expo, held each April in Salem and attended by over 600 long term care professionals.
View all exhibit and sponsorship opportunities on our membership portal and in our Sponsorship Guide.
In addition, OHCA has exhibit and table top space opportunities at special one-day conferences throughout the year. Please contact Rosie Ward, rward@ohca.com, if you’d like more information about exhibiting at the following events:
- Nurse Leadership Conference
- Maintenance and Facility Services Conference
- Life Enrichment and Activity Director Conference
- Quality Summit
- Elder Abuse Awareness and Prevention Summit
- In-Home Care Conference
Thought Leadership/Content Sponsorships
OHCA also offers opportunities to for thought leadership and content sponsorship. Please contact Rosie Ward, rward@ohca.com, for more information about these offerings.
Website Sponsorship
The OHCA.com website is visited by an average of 20,000 unique visitors per month and most visitors are looking for information on the latest OHCA information and industry news, OHCA events and education opportunities, the OHCA Buyers Guide, the OHCA job board and workforce resources, and much more. Five website content sponsorships are available.
- Monthly sponsorship rate: $250
News Bulletin Newsletter Sponsor
Sponsor OHCA’s weekly newsletter, the OHCA News Bulletin, which is distributed weekly to nearly 3,500 provider members including all CEOs, CFOs, vice presidents, administrators, nurses, and other leaders and decision-makers. The News Bulletin has an open rate of 15-25 percent, much higher than average open rates, meaning that recipients are reading the newsletter content. Sponsorships include prominent display of the organization’s logo and a link-out to the organization’s website or an email address. Two newsletter sponsorships per month are offered.
- Monthly sponsorship rate: $500
Oregon Caregiver Magazine Sponsored Content
OHCA allows for sponsored content in our Oregon Caregiver magazine, distributed bi-annually in print to each of our provider members, operators, business partners, Oregon policy makers, and key stakeholders. The magazine is also shared with OHCA ALF/RCF 40-hour training attendees and Spring Expo and Annual Convention attendees and is available and distributed online. Click here to view past issues of this magazine. Content sponsors will be able to work with OHCA to produce one 400-500 word article for either the spring/summer or fall/winter magazine. The sponsor will receive a byline and can include a head shot and contact information. Content should be educational and resource-based in nature and not focus on specific products or sales information. Two sponsor content opportunities per magazine are available.
- Sponsored article rate: $2,000 per article
Speaker Sponsorships
OHCA allows business partners to submit speaker proposals to provide the latest clinical, compliance, or best practice resources to event attendees, both in-person and online. Additionally, OHCA offers speaker sponsorships to business partners, who have been pre-approved for this sponsorship, who want to guarantee a speaker spot at an upcoming event. This sponsorship comes with all event sponsorship benefits like free registrations, attendee lists, and more.
- Speaker sponsorship rate: varies, typically $1,500